

Take One

Exam 77-891 Office 365
2. Communicate by using Office 365 Outlook Web Application
2.5  Configure Outlook Web Application Options: Settings


Edit the Calendar Settings
The Calendar Settings change how the Calendar looks. You can edit the work week, working hours and the first day of the week. You an also edit how the Reminders work for you, not against you.

Right now, please edit the working hours.

3. Try It: Edit the Calendar Settings
Go to Settings->Calendar.
Select a Start Time: 8:00 AM.
Select a End Time: 5:00 PM.

What Do You See? There should be a banner that indicates the Current time zone.

Click Save. That will do it.


Memo to Self: You may have to edit the sample appointments so that they begin at a reasonable time, say 8:30 AM in your time zone.

The Computer Mama Sez: When I returned to this page the Working hours started at 3:00 AM. It probably was 8:00 AM in Monrovia, Reykjavik, before I changed the Time Zone.


Mail->Options: Manage Myself->Settings->Calendar

